
Best Practices for Managing Pro Bono Partnerships


Четверг, 6 Июня 2024

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Pro bono may mean free, but it still comes with a cost. Successful pro bono partnerships between nonprofits and skills-based volunteers take careful planning, proactive communications, and diligent project management. If this sounds daunting, never fear—this is what Taproot is best at and we’d love to share our project management framework with you.

Learn from Taproot’s 20+ years of facilitating impactful connections between talented volunteers and nonprofits, public schools, and small businesses at this free webinar on Thursday, June 6. You’ll leave this event with:

·       Best practices for planning for and managing pro bono partnerships

·       Advice from our experienced staff on navigating tricky collaboration challenges

·       How to dive into Taproot’s free programs and begin making connections

Register now for this free webinar—and invite your colleagues! We’ll save plenty of time for Q&A with the panelists, so the more the merrier. This webinar will be recorded and shared with all registrants, so even if you can’t join us live, you’re encouraged to sign up.


This event is by Taproot Foundation, a U.S.-based nonprofit. Any nonprofit, public school, or fiscally sponsored social good organization regardless of staff or budget size is welcome to participate in Taproot’s cost-free programs, currently accessible to those in the U.S., U.K., EU, Canada, or India. Create your account prior to this event to request Taproot support or volunteer your skills to wonderful causes: https://bit.ly/3VwGqPx